Parasuraman’s paper discusses a model for types and levels of automation that provides a framework and an objective basis for making such choices. The framework is based upon four broad......
Pineau’s paper discusses a mobile robotic assistant, developed to assist the elderly individuals with mild cognitive and physical impairments, as well as support nurses for their daily activities. The software......
In Haigh’s and Yanco’s paper, the institutionalization of the elderly is discussed along with the technological support for this vulnerable community. One of the purposed solutions to taking care of......
In Herr’s paper, a knee prosthesis is presented which automatically adapts knee damping to the gait of the amputee using only local sensing of knee force, torque and position. The......
Eriksson’s paper discusses an autonomous assistive mobile robot that aids stroke patient rehabilitation by providing monitoring, encouragement, and reminders. This is an interesting piece of the assistive robot research because......
Fong’s paper discusses “socially interactive robots” for which social human-robot interaction is important. The paper provides a taxonomy of design methods and system components used to build socially interactive robots.......
Michaud’s paper addresses a specific difficulty with providing children with an adaptable, interactive toy while at the same time creating a robust toy that will not break with constant use......
Thrun’s paper discusses the successes of an interactive tour-guide robot, Minerva. The approach taken by this second generation robot addresses the issues such as safe navigation in unmodified and dynamic......
Baker’s paper addresses the human-computer interaction issues with current urban search and rescue (USAR) interfaces by modeling the interface on and around the main video window. One of the issues......
Kaelbling’s paper is a survey covering the different algorithms and approaches to solving the issues with reinforcement learning. The survey states that there are two main strategies for solving these......